Perfect lens by Singh Ray for excellent Infrared Pictures

 Ever marveled at the stunning photographs captured by travel bloggers on their Instagram account? Or the Microsoft wallpaper which flashes a new destination every time you log in? The unique tonality of the picturesque place is way different from the black and white filter that your mobile camera or that photo editing app that you installed offers. Popular infrared pictures can also be captured using infrared filters. Singh Ray, a well-known name for providing quality camera filters to help capture stunning pictures wherever you travel.

Infrared photography is garnering the popularity of people across the globe because it is used to create images that are otherwise not visible to the naked eye. This is because our eyes can see the visible spectrum of light which is reflected from the object. The same objects may have different characteristic behavior for infrared light. For Eg animated objects such as stones, concrete, mountains, etc. tend to absorb infrared light. Thus, they appear dark while objects such as flowers that reflect IR appear as lighter objects in the Infrared pictures. On any camera, an infrared filter lens is attached which then allows stunning visuals to be captured infrared effectively.

With a fleet of quality lenses, Singh Ray offers various options for excellent IR filters at affordable prices.  For Infrared photography, there are two types of infrared filters suggested. These are I-Ray™ 690 Infrared Filters and I-Ray™ 830 Infrared Filters. The 690 IR filter emits sufficient infrared light and cuts exposure time to 2-3 seconds making it effective in capturing excellent visuals. The 830 filters can effectively remove both visible and ultraviolet light. This assures that the camera sensor receives only pure infrared light which is responsible for producing stunning black and white images of pure infrared. These filters are available in different types such as standard ring, thin ring, P Sprocket, Z Pro Sprocket, etc. Their sizes may vary from 49mm to 105mm based on the individual requirement.

Contact Sing Ray online at to get more information on the infrared lens to enhance the pictures you capture like a prop!!



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