Singh Ray: Helping creating stunning visuals with their camera filters
Have you ever contemplated how the place you visited looked and how its photographs on the internet are so different? You might have tried to capture that coveted monument on your camera but it did not quite look that perfect. Chances are that your photography skills or your camera that is to be blamed, but instead the Camera filters that you haven’t used to help enhance your photograph. Singh Ray, known for creating quality camera filters and accessories highlight that filters are high quality glass or resin which are attachable to the camera that help creating stunning photographs. These filters can be attached easily to the camera and based on their characteristics such as color enhancing filters, polarizing filters, UV filters can block certain colors or types of light such as UV, infrared etc. These filter camera thus reduce the overall light intensity entering the camera, accentuating or highlight any particular theme of the picture like never before with a lot of digital man...